Kathy O'Flinn
Oil Paintings
Dandelion Days  14x18 Bow-Wow Road   9x12 Skies over the Housatonic  8x10 Berkshire Afternoon  11X14
Dandelion Days 14x18 Bow-Wow Road 9x12 Skies over the Housatonic 8x10 Berkshire Afternoon 11X14
Cabin in the Woods  11X14 Delmonico's Farm  9X12 Berkshire Views  8X10 Waltz of the Flowers 18X18 SOLD
Cabin in the Woods 11X14 Delmonico's Farm 9X12 Berkshire Views 8X10 Waltz of the Flowers 18X18 SOLD
Afternoon Light 8X10 Pink Shadows 8X10 Evening Light 8X10 Cornwall Pond 20X20
Afternoon Light 8X10 Pink Shadows 8X10 Evening Light 8X10 Cornwall Pond 20X20
Beckenrah Farm 14X18 SOLD Dancing Poppies 48X60 SOLD Mudge Pond 30X40 SOLD Butterfly Bush 30X30 SOLD
Beckenrah Farm 14X18 SOLD Dancing Poppies 48X60 SOLD Mudge Pond 30X40 SOLD Butterfly Bush 30X30 SOLD
Sunflower Farm 30X30 SOLD A Glorious Day 30X30 Summertime 30X30 Catkins 24X30 SOLD
Sunflower Farm 30X30 SOLD A Glorious Day 30X30 Summertime 30X30 Catkins 24X30 SOLD
Golden Grove 18X36 SOLD Iris 11X14 SOLD Fall Foliage 18X36 Country Road 11X14
Golden Grove 18X36 SOLD Iris 11X14 SOLD Fall Foliage 18X36 Country Road 11X14
Early Summer 24X30 Summer's Day 8X16 Golden Treeline 24X30 Yellow Field 20X24
Early Summer 24X30 Summer's Day 8X16 Golden Treeline 24X30 Yellow Field 20X24
Orange Glow 18X36 On Golden Pond 8X10 SOLD Summer-Mudge Pond 8X10 Coneflowers  12X16
Orange Glow 18X36 On Golden Pond 8X10 SOLD Summer-Mudge Pond 8X10 Coneflowers 12X16